College Counseling in Pakistan
Project Based Learning or ‘PBL’ is designed to help students showcase their passion in their college applications through hands-on experiential learning in Pakistan throughout their High School journey.
At Breeo Premium, we believe that students need to be provided with the opportunities to explore and indulge deeper into their passion through personalized activities and engagements in extra-curricular programs. PBL is designed to encourage learning outside the confines of a classroom, by pushing the students out of their comfort zone.
In our dynamic classroom approach, students acquire a deeper knowledge by actively exploring real-world challenges. In this instructional methodology we encourage students to learn by utilizing knowledge through engaging experience. PBL ultimately develops significant skills that are necessary for college and career readiness. We strive our best to make our students fulfill the Ivy league universities admission criteria.

Ivy League Universities Admission criteria
Some of the key characteristics of our PBL program are it’s inter-disciplinary, rigorous and student-centered. This is reflected in the modern career trajectory too. PBL is programmed with the fundamental idea in mind that ‘One size doesn’t fit all’. While some extra-curricular activities are beneficial for all, we focus mainly on student-specific activities to construct a meticulously designed trajectory for our student that eventually leads to give them an edge in the student’s college phase. We offer the best College Counseling in Pakistan
- ID92 – for startup ideas and apps
- Social Entrepreneurship
- International trips – global exposure
- Space camps
- MUN coaching